A Typical Day

Our day includes structured and non-structured activities, which will
focus on several areas based on your child's age-group.

Three-year-old Class:

3yrs by December 1

Prayer, scripture memorization with songs
and bible stories

Listening skills, following directions,
developing friendships

Introduction to letters/sounds, numbers, colors, shapes

Fine motor skills (coloring, cutting, pencil
practice, gluing, etc.)

Large motor skills (hop, run, tip toe, bounce, etc.)

Calendar time, weather, story time, arts & crafts

Music, ribbon fun, beanbags, rhythm sticks

Pre-Kindergarten Class:

4yrs/5yrs by December 1

Prayer, scripture memorization with songs
and bible stories

Emphasis on independence and following directions

Letter and sound recognition, letter formation,
fine motor skills

Number and quantity recognition

Classification, sequencing, patterns,
language development

Story recollection, story creation, guessing outcomes

Music, Large motor instruction, visual perception skills