
Registration for Chapel Preschool begins February 15 and requires a $50 non-refundable registration fee with the completed registration form. Our school year runs from early September to the end of May.

Online Registration Form


Monday, Wednesday & Friday
from 9am - Noon

(Must be 3 yrs. by Dec. 1)


Tuesday & Thursday from 9am - Noon

(Must be 3 yrs. by Dec. 1)

PRE-K 4 & 5

Monday, Wednesday & Friday
from 9am - Noon

(Must be 4 yrs. by Dec. 1)

PRE-K 4 & 5

Monday - Friday from 9am - Noon

(Must be 4 yrs. by Dec. 1)

The ability to run all classes is based on Full Entrollment.

Students must be potty trained.

A child is trained when they attend school without a diaper or pull-up
and are able to consistently communicate to the teachers that
he/she needs to go to the restroom before it becomes an emergency.